Monday, May 12, 2014

Why Secular Society Doesn't Care About the Church and the Effects of Negative Crossover

As the Episcopal Church continues its attendance, baptism, confirmation, wedding, and membership free fall, many in TEC are scratching their heads and wondering why?  First of all, it is true that there are a whole host of factors that have an impact on church membership and attendance.  In some cases, it is a matter of a larger number of older members dying, while the birth rate in the church declines.  It is true that most denominations are experiencing decline, however, most are not in the same membership free fall as TEC.  Why the free fall and why has society not given us a look?

So, what does church attendance/membership and secular society have in common with each other and how does this relate to negative crossover?  Well, TEC has prided itself on becoming more "inclusive" and more open, welcoming all to attend and give our church a shot.  However, the execution of this "inclusiveness" has left a lot to be desired.  First of all, watering down theology and watering down the transforming power of the Gospel is not bringing in anybody new.  Why would anybody who normally doesn't care about church all of the sudden get excited about a message that has been watered down to the point that there is no message?  They wouldn't, that is why they stay home on Sunday and watch football.  Furthermore, some vague "Oprahfied" spirituality message with a very small amount of Jesus just isn't appealing.  The truth is, secular society doesn't want to attend a church that looks no different than secular society.  I don't know why that is so hard for the national leadership to fathom.  While the leaders of the church are patting themselves on the back about how much they look like society, desperately trying to get societies rubber stamp, faithful Anglicans are leaving in droves.  Jesus says that many in society won't like the message, he didn't say to "fashion thy message on the values of society and form your message on the popular whims of society and hope to gain their approval." 

Moving on, how does this relate to negative crossover? Negative crossover is when a change alienates those faithful before the change, while not attracting anybody new.  This new watered-down theology has alienated those who are faithful to the church and faithful to the power and transforming nature of the Gospel message.  Truth is, Anglicans can go to the Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, or a variety of other churches and get the "meat and potatoes" of the Gospel, without it being watered down to the point of being nothing.  On top of that, secular society doesn't care about this new watered-down Gospel and there is no mad rush to get to their local Episcopal parish to hear that it doesn't matter what you think or believe.

For a prime example of negative crossover, take a look at the idea of Communion without baptism.  Many of those who support the measure say that we must be more "inclusive" and that it may make some feel "unwelcome" if they are unable to receive Communion since they are not baptized.  Without getting into many of arguments of why this may be one of the dumbest ideas ever, let's look at what this says about the Episcopal Church.  First of all, it says that our Communion means almost nothing and that it is more of a power meal if anything.  Secondly, it says that baptism, membership in Christ's church, means almost nothing.  Third, it says that so-called "feelings" and "experience" trump Tradition, Scripture, and Reason!  I've spoken to a TON of Episcopalians who have said they are gone if this church changes the cannons to allow Communion without baptism.  They contend that Sacramental theology would be diluted to the point of being almost useless and it would represent a clear departure from apostolic Christianity and they are absolutely right to think that way.  Moving on, who is going to start coming to TEC because they can now have Communion without being baptized?  Are our leaders really naive enough to think that there is going to be a mad rush to get to the local TEC parish after this change?  No, nobody will care.  Waiting to be baptized before Communion actually encourages a person to become a baptized Christian in the first place!!  Thus, with one swift move, you alienate a large number of Episcopalians, while not bringing any new people to church.  Mind boggling isn't it?

In the end, what brings people to church?  It's really simple actually and it can be found in the bible, preaching the transforming power of the Gospel and Jesus Christ, while proclaiming Christ is risen!  Christ is risen indeed! Jesus tells us to go and proclaim the Gospel to all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. If we as a church start to believe that Christ is risen and proclaim the Gospel, then others will start to believe it too.  If we do that, then maybe we get God's seal of approval, rather than societies. Thoughts?

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