Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Beauty of Anglicanism

First of all, sorry for the delay in posting.  I have been working two jobs and it has made it almost impossible to keep up with anything.  That said, things are starting to return to normal.

I wanted to share some of my favorite youtube videos with you all that really captures some of the beauty that is the Anglican Christian tradition.  I hope you all enjoy the videos and I hope there is something for everybody here.  As always, please feel free to comment! 


1 comment:

  1. Truly Anglicanism is a precious and blessed gift to the whole of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church ( or what the Book of Common Prayer describes as "the blessed company of all faithful people). I have friends from Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Reformed/Presbyterian and Pentecostal backgrounds who have all journeyed into the Anglican branch of God's Church and find what they call "home". Thank you for this excellent blog. The peace of Christ be with you always.
