Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Baptismal Covenant and Abortion: I See Hypocrites

Whenever I decided to create this blog, it was with the intention of focusing on the many positive experiences I've had as an Episcopalian and as an Anglican.  However, there are times when I just can't understand some of the things that goes on in our church.  One of these issues is the very controversial and very political issue of abortion. 

There are many Episcopalians that are strongly against abortion, however, there are also many that support keeping abortion legal.  However, let us first examine the actual official statement on abortion:

While the Episcopal Church recognizes a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy, the church condones abortion only in cases of rape or incest, cases in which a mother’s physical or mental health is at risk, or cases involving fetal abnormalities. The church forbids “abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection or any reason of mere convenience.”

We can gather two things from this stance, first of all, we see that the Episcopal Church believes that it is a women's right to terminate her pregnancy.  However, the Episcopal Church only sees abortion as being morally permissible under very extreme circumstances and absolutely reject abortion as a means of birth control. 

However, does the Episcopal Church want to see abortions made illegal, excepting in the conditions mentioned in our own official statement.  Nope!  Not only that, one could argue that many in leadership positions in the Episcopal Church see nothing wrong with abortion at all.  In fact, if one were to visit the Episcopal Digital Network, they will find plenty of articles written that support Planned Parenthood and support for abortions on demand.  All of this is wrapped in the veil that a women shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of sexual intercourse.  Whatever happened to the Church preaching a message of abstinence if one doesn't want to have a child?  What about using contraceptives to ensure that a pregnancy doesn't occur in the first place?  Where are articles written against abortion as a means of birth control?  Where are the articles exposing the evils of abortion?  Where is the balance? This idea that it is okay to use abortion as a form of birth control is disgusting and plain evil.  This shouldn't be a political issue for the Christian, it should be a human rights issue and a moral decency issue.  That said, the Episcopal Church is way too busy giving out awards to Episcopal priest Katherine Ragsdale, who believes that abortion should be a "Sacrament" of the Church and she would personally break the law to ensure that an underage girl could have an abortion.  You are probably saying, "this is just one crazy priest, right?"  Nope, this the is the dean and president of Episcopal Divinity School!  Read the filth for yourself, if you dare:

Now, let us take a look at our the portion of our Baptismal Covenant that has been the focus of the Episcopal Church for quite some time:

"Will you strive for justice and peace among all
people, and respect the dignity of every human
I guess striving for the dignity, peace, and justice of every human being doesn't include the unborn baby?  Maybe our baptismal covenant should be re-written to include that we will "respect the dignity of every human being, unless they are unborn or if they go against progressive political politics."  Now, if the Episcopal Church added that to their Baptismal Covenant, I that would square the Church away on my hypocrisy claim.  If you think that the murder of a generation of children is "progress," then you are probably a psychopath. 
At the end of the day, abortion is a very difficult decision and it is one that shouldn't be taken lightly.  It is also true that the Church should be a voice of forgiveness, understanding, and love.  Personally, I don't think that abortion should be 100% illegal, I think that the reasons given in the Episcopal Church's official stance are all good reasons and morally acceptable reasons to consider an abortion.  However, our Church is being lead by a bunch of hypocrites who cite the Baptismal Covenant when it agrees with their politics, yet they utterly trash it when it goes against their politics. 
As laity, we need to make our leaders "respect the dignity of every human being," including those who are unborn.  Leave the politics at home! Thoughts?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Beauty of Anglicanism

First of all, sorry for the delay in posting.  I have been working two jobs and it has made it almost impossible to keep up with anything.  That said, things are starting to return to normal.

I wanted to share some of my favorite youtube videos with you all that really captures some of the beauty that is the Anglican Christian tradition.  I hope you all enjoy the videos and I hope there is something for everybody here.  As always, please feel free to comment!