Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jehovah's Witnesses and the Act of Shunning

Talking to my fellow Anglicans/Episcopalians in my parish and from around the world, I've noticed that many are either utterly confused by or don't understand what many Jehovah's Witnesses teach and what many who left or are disfellowshipped go through.  It is my hope that this blog and this post help those Christians who don't understand many Jehovah's Witness teachings to come to a basic knowledge of what they teach.

First of all, shunning and disfellowshipping happen when a baptized Jehovah's Witness breaks the rules set forth by the governing body.  Breaking these rules can be as simple as disagreeing with their doctrine (major or minor) or by breaking "moral codes" such as sex outside of marriage.  If the congregations elders (men in charge of each congregation) become aware of this activity by a JW, then they are to meet with the elders to discuss the issues.  If the elders find the JW is not repentant or still has disagreement, then they are often times disfellowshipped.  This disfellowshipping lasts until the JW is repentant and reinstated back into the fold.  During this time of disfelowshipping, no JW is to have any contact with the separated brother, including all family and friends.  It is common to find parents that won't have anything to do with their separated sons and daughters and vice versa.

In my family, both my mom and dad are disfellowshipped and they are both shunned by my JW Aunt and Uncle and their own niece. My grandmother is also a JW, but she doesn't pay much attention to these rules and talks to her daughter in secret. At a recent wedding shower, my Aunt and Uncle pretended like my mom and dad did not exist.  It is so very difficult for my own mother to have no relationship with her own brother.  However, since my sisters and I were never baptized, they do not shun us, that is how wonky JW theology really is! My story is just one of thousands around the world regarding JWs and shunning and mine is far from being the most extreme.

How did Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at such a gross doctrine and perversion of Holy Scripture?

The theology of shunning stands mainly on the use of one piece of scripture alone, found in 1 Corinthians chp. 5:

1 Corinthians 5:11 "But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? Remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves."

First of all, it should be stated that it is true in some circumstances that limiting the amount of socializing one does with a person who can have a negative impact on their own spiritual health or well-being can be a necessary reality.  However, nowhere does it state in scripture that one must totally shun an individual and have absolutely nothing to do with them, especially when it comes to family.  In fact, Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians that we should be encouraging to those who have walked away from the faith.

To read more about shunning: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/disfellowship-shunning.php

To read more about the sad reality of shunning: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/experiences/shunning-experiences.php

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if their are any groups or a way to get in touch with others who feel the way you do? People who wish to be part of the organisation of Jehovah's Wittnesses also because they believe the Bible truths, but based on Love & Hope, understanding, mercy & forgiveness that Jesus gave example of.
    I feel none of us are perfect, & Elders will make a rule to do something they feel is a sign of repentance; e.g.; not even texting someone who you experienced spiritual problems with, or you will also be disfellowshiped. Thus because you want to forgive a friend, you end up losing hundreds & being told; it is "what Jehovah wants" It appears to me that there are those who only think to protect themselves & Jesus wants us to help those asking for spiritual help; not judge & cut them off. Surely if you ask for help; it is a sign of repentance? I imagine that the elders who judge harshly must believe Jehovah God is harsh. So how are those put out meant to view the religion of what was once a Spiritual Paradise, when they feel akward to talk to those they love in case someone is offended?
    If an organisation who say they are from God; cause you to feel unloved & unworthy, where else are you expected to go?
    (King David sinned to a higher degree than most; yet I don't recall him being treated in such a way; rather he was helped to understand and in due course mercifuly forgiven.)
    I would love to know if there are others who wish to do what is right & also wish for opportunity of friendship & spiritual encouragement, though who's circumstance is not as yet ready for them to be reinstated.
