(EDIT: Originally, I planned on leaving TEC at the end of the year for the ACA. However, traveling that distance isn't going to work. I really have no idea what the future holds, but I'm remaining in TEC at least until the end of the year. I edited this post to reflect that change.)
After serious discernment, it is possible I will be leaving the Episcopal Church for another Christian church body. As of yet, I have no idea of where I might go or if I might try to stick it out in TEC after this year ends.
Here are some possibilities:
The ACA is a continuing Anglican Church and part of the Traditional Anglican Communion and tends to lean in an Anglo-Catholic direction. Going in this direction would not be without its challenges as this parish is about an 80 minute drive and I would be able to attend a max of two services a month. That said, the ACA matches my Anglican theological beliefs very well and it seems to be a stable body.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) is also an option. The option is local, the parish is awesome, and the worship is very liturgical.
Stick it out in TEC. This is what I'd like to do, but the actions of GC78 could make this very difficult.
Regardless of what happens, I will be mostly focusing on Anglicanism in general, as I don't want to be one of those bitter people (and I'm not bitter btw) who do nothing but write hit pieces on their former church.
As always, thanks for reading the blog and I hope, despite some changes, that you will stick around and continue to follow this blog. God Bless!!